Saturday, 29 September 2012

Talented People

Yesterday we went to the cinema to see Madagascar 3. If you have not seen it, you should. It is great. There are so many adult jokes in it, it was almost exhausting keeping up with them.

Aren't we lucky to have this talent around us. Most of those animated movies these days are fantastic and draw on so many different talents.

First of all there are the writers. I am pretty sure these movies are written by more than one person (although I am not sure on this). It would take a lot of talent, perseverance and hard work to produce movies of such quality.

Then there are the people who draw the characters and individual scenes, as well as those who put it all together, as well as the actors who bring the animals to live with their voices. Sometimes it is actors we know, other times it is less well known people.

Hours and hours of work over months and months and months to entertain us for just over an hour. Sure, a lot of money is made out of theses movies, but the little people, those who make it all happen (apart from the well known actors), do not get the financial reward they perhaps should. Isn't it sad that we live in a world of such unequal wealth distribution.

Often I wonder why it is that creativity is so poorly rewarded. The news are filled with stories of managers, particularly in the finance industry receiving yearly incomes in excess of millions of dollars. More often than not this income is not even based on performance and yet artists, or creative people are paid very poorly (unless you are lucky and belong in the small percentage of Hollywood actors that are also paid ridiculous amounts).

The music industry is no different. It also has so many talented people who never make it or get paid what they should.

I don't know how to fix it, but believe there must be a better way. Being creative and entertaining people should be better rewarded. Last night we listened to a very talented young lady perform at the local pub. For her age she has a fantastic voice, an excellent raptor and yet hardly anyone seemed to be listening to her. If she is lucky a big recording label will discover her and she will make the kind of money she deserves to make. If not, she will no doubt continue to entertain people as much as she can, but if it does not bring enough money she will have to have a day job. Perhaps applause is enough of a reward for this young lady.

Whatever your artistic or creative talent is, we hope you pursue it. No doubt sooner or later you will receive the reward you deserve.

If not, perhaps you can come up with a solution to the problem of unequal wealth distribution. I invite your comments.

Stay motivated, be creative and enjoy.

An Echidna out for a rummage for ants at Portsea on the Mornington Peninsula. All he or she cares about is food. :)

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