Thursday, 13 September 2012

Short Stories

As I have just published a collection of short stories (Briefs), I am on to my next writing project, of which there are several. And as I edit a romance novel I am debating about writing more short stories, and of course wondering if people still read short stories. I hear you say perhaps I should have thought of this before publishing my book on short stories. Perhaps, but then I enjoyed writing them and that is why I did it.

However, to see if short stories are still relevant I turned my research to magazines at the newsagent. I was heartened to see that there are some magazines dedicated to the short story and numerous others publishing one or two short stories per edition.

I think short stories are great for a little escape if ones times is in demand. Nothing like being able to pick up a short story and get taken away for ten fifteen minutes to then return to the here and now to continue with what life demands of us.

Don't get me wrong, novels are fantastic (I am writing two at the moment), but to read a novel you always need a bit of time. At least I do. When I read my novel I would like to sit down and read for at least an hour or longer.

I hope I am not alone in this.

As I leave you this morning to finish all my chores before I can write some more (and battle more formatting issues for an electronic version of Briefs), I will leave you with another shot or rolling hills and vineyards of the beautiful Mornington Peninsula.

Nothing beats reading a great short story with a glass of wine (wine was something which inspired my short story 'Skinned', published by the Quadrant earlier this year).

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