Sunday, 23 September 2012

Briefs A collection of short stories

Don't forget to buy your copy either electronically or as a paperwork by following one of the links:

As I am thinking up various creative ways of marketing the book Briefs, I thought perhaps I should give readers a bit of background on what motivated the collection of short stories. 

Writing and getting published is not easy. It is a difficult job. Not only is there the constant pressure of coming up with creative and unusual stories, but there is the constant nagging doubt of will anyone ever read my work. 

Over the last two or three years I have entered writing competitions (occasionally) and sent stories away to magazines. I have had success in short story competitions run by Smink Works (two of my stories have received a highly commended in those competitions with one already published and another one waiting to be published). Of course receiving such an award (I think that is what you would call it), goes some way to being reassured that one is able to put a story together. 

Then I sent a story to the Quadrant Magazine titled 'Skinned', which was accepted and published earlier this year. Another bit of motivation. 

But then there is still doubt. Will other stories be read? Have I peaked? Was I able to only ever write three stories? There are so may talented people why would anyone read my stories? And on and on the doubt goes. 

Anyway, biting the bullet I put all my short stories together and came up with 'Briefs a collection of short stories.' Practising in family law (with some criminal experience as well as commercial experience) the majority of stories are based on relationship break down. 

Rest assured dear reader, none of the stories are based on actual cases or files of mine. What tends to happen is somewhere someone says something and that one sentence or incident inspires a short story. Being a family law lawyer you see people at their most vulnerable. I can assure all of you , that my clients, just like the characters in the stories survive separation in all its ugliness, even if it does take time. 

If your are going through separation you might get a laugh or two out of some of the stories. 

Then there is a story about a dragon, or dragons I should say. This does not relate in any way to the law or practise of law. I just like dragons and would love to write an entire novel featuring dragons. Hopefully the dragon novel is not too far off.  

There is not much else to say about them other than I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

I apologise in advance if none of the stories appeal to you. 

 Here is the prince disguised as a frog. 

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