Friday, 7 September 2012

Great Day

Whilst the day did not start out the way I had planned it certainly finished in a much better way.

I have to say whilst I do not enjoy exercise (I know some people see me as a fitness fanatic), I do understand the benefit of exercise, which is why I try and do some every day. I am not one for going to a gym or doing long sessions of organised activity. I like to get it over and done with, thus I usually run.

Today it was the four of us running around our property. We were doing laps as a family, each member working to their level. My husband, my four year old son and the lunatic poodle. It was just a great family affair.

Exercise for me has two benefits:
1. Health; and
2. The ability to let my mind wander to create, ponder and solve problems.

Whilst running today I was able to do all those things in the company of my great family. My husband is such a supporting soul, patient and understanding.

Exercise and fitness in my opinion is not promoted in the right way, thus many people only pursue it for a  little while if at all. Get out there, get creative, enjoy the outdoors. There is no need for lycra, brand names and other gadgets. Look around you, there are plenty of ways to get the muscles working. I don't want to lecture. But if you start exercising a little bit every day it soon becomes a routine and you will love it. Think of the benefits to body mind and spirit.

I have finally submitted the final version of the manuscript for my book for review. Fingers crossed I can list it in the next day or so and then tackle electronic publishing before finishing the other unfinished manuscripts I need to work on.

Bis zum naechsten mal - Tschuess!

A family creation at the beach near Sorrento!

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