Wednesday, 26 September 2012


As there is very little time in my day for reading I try and make the most of my time when driving. Today I was listening to a pod cast called a creative writing masterclass. The particular topic I was listening to was achievement. On this topic several well known authors spoke. 

One of the authors discussed persistence. According to him persistence is what ultimately leads to greatness (whatever that may be). 

I have to say that I agree that persistence pays off. Having dabbled in sport science for a while I know that it is not so much talent that makes people better than others, but persistence (or what others call hard work). I think persistence and hard work go hand in hand. They mean you keep going no matter what. 

Browsing the Internet I found a quote by Seth Godin (author) from his book Small is the new Big on hard work which I though was brilliant:

Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the things you would rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, tunnel under that barrier, drive through the other barrier and after you’ve done that, to do it again the next day.

I am sure it is someone famous and or important who said talent will only get you so far, it is hard work that will get you all the way. Whatever it is you want to achieve in life you cannot rely on talent alone. All worth while things require work, maybe even hard work. What will set you apart from everyone else is your persistence at hard work. 

At least I try and remind myself of these little bits of wisdom as I write and come up with ways to market my book of short stories called Briefs.

It is hard work to get the best spot on the pier for sun baking :)

Don't forget you can buy your copy of Briefs at either of the following sites:

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