Sunday, 30 September 2012

The road less travelled

Do you read poetry? 

I try. 

My husband one year bought me a poetry book for my birthday, which contains a poem for every day of the week for the year and we try and read the daily poem, which more often then not I cannot understand. However, since reading more poetry and reading about poetry I have discovered Robert Frost, an amazing poet. I love the poem containing the line of the heading of today's post - 'the road less travelled'. Aren't poets brilliant the way they can use so few words to say so much? I have so much to learn (I wonder what the symbol for a sigh is?).  

Have you ever taken the road less travelled or do you always follow the trend and everyone else? I have to say that it can be difficult to take the road less travelled, particularly as it is a more uncertain one. 

At the moment we face some decisions about our future and I feel like I am deciding which road to take, the one expected and well travelled or the one less travelled?

Deep down I think the decision is made, but it helps to think it through, even if it is in words. 

Writing is what I want to do, 
stories are what I want to tell, 
adventures are what I want to have, 
my family is whom I want by my side.
 Does it matter which road I take?
 I guess not. 
Though the road less travelled might be the more exciting one. 

I know it does not qualify as a poem but it sets out how I feel. 

Often we lose sight of what it is we want to do as we get wrapped in what is expected of us or what other people want us to do. That is the surest way I know not to pursue your dream. 

As I write this I am thinking of the novel I am writing and other projects I am planning. There is so much to do. Of course the doubts of will I ever sell a book and will anyone ever read my stories are always there, threatening to push me on to the road well travelled, but right now I am determined to make it. 

So please go and look at my book Briefs - a collection of short stories as an ebook or a paperback and look out for my next book, a novel called 'Just and Equitable'.

You can find Briefs at the following links:

or as an ebook at:

This definitely looks like the road less travelled don't you think?

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Talented People

Yesterday we went to the cinema to see Madagascar 3. If you have not seen it, you should. It is great. There are so many adult jokes in it, it was almost exhausting keeping up with them.

Aren't we lucky to have this talent around us. Most of those animated movies these days are fantastic and draw on so many different talents.

First of all there are the writers. I am pretty sure these movies are written by more than one person (although I am not sure on this). It would take a lot of talent, perseverance and hard work to produce movies of such quality.

Then there are the people who draw the characters and individual scenes, as well as those who put it all together, as well as the actors who bring the animals to live with their voices. Sometimes it is actors we know, other times it is less well known people.

Hours and hours of work over months and months and months to entertain us for just over an hour. Sure, a lot of money is made out of theses movies, but the little people, those who make it all happen (apart from the well known actors), do not get the financial reward they perhaps should. Isn't it sad that we live in a world of such unequal wealth distribution.

Often I wonder why it is that creativity is so poorly rewarded. The news are filled with stories of managers, particularly in the finance industry receiving yearly incomes in excess of millions of dollars. More often than not this income is not even based on performance and yet artists, or creative people are paid very poorly (unless you are lucky and belong in the small percentage of Hollywood actors that are also paid ridiculous amounts).

The music industry is no different. It also has so many talented people who never make it or get paid what they should.

I don't know how to fix it, but believe there must be a better way. Being creative and entertaining people should be better rewarded. Last night we listened to a very talented young lady perform at the local pub. For her age she has a fantastic voice, an excellent raptor and yet hardly anyone seemed to be listening to her. If she is lucky a big recording label will discover her and she will make the kind of money she deserves to make. If not, she will no doubt continue to entertain people as much as she can, but if it does not bring enough money she will have to have a day job. Perhaps applause is enough of a reward for this young lady.

Whatever your artistic or creative talent is, we hope you pursue it. No doubt sooner or later you will receive the reward you deserve.

If not, perhaps you can come up with a solution to the problem of unequal wealth distribution. I invite your comments.

Stay motivated, be creative and enjoy.

An Echidna out for a rummage for ants at Portsea on the Mornington Peninsula. All he or she cares about is food. :)

Friday, 28 September 2012

The next book

Today I was lucky enough to spend at least an hour writing, which meant I was able to edit three or four of my chapters of the next book, a novel titled "Just and Equitable"

Here is a synopsis of the book to wet your appetite.

Just and Equitable
Tanya Thistleton

Meet the characters:
Melvin Goodheart: thirty something all round good guy; typical Aussie bloke who had thought he picked a winner when he married Melanie.

Melanie Goodheart: bitch on wheels.

Melvin, also known as Fozzy to his mates, comes home on his sixth wedding anniversary to discover the love of his life, his wife, in bed with another bloke.

Not hanging around to find out answers to questions he is not sure how to ask, Fozzy does the only thing possible. He flees from the ugly scene to find somewhere where he can drown his miseries.

Days later, with a severe hangover, Fozzy returns to reclaim his house and throw the bitch out. Until he discovers Melanie has changed the locks.

Not to be deterred he smashes the back door. Inside Fozzy finds the place even less welcoming with most of his belongings packed into boxes.

After an altercation with his ex wife Fozzy once again has no option but to flee the former matrimonial home, which happens to be in his sole name.

There are incidents of revenge, Police involvement, as well as accusations of malicious damage and wasting of money from both sides.

Melanie, better at manipulating the system, uses all the tactics she can to stop Fozzy coming back into the house, including getting the Police to take out an apprehended domestic violence order.

Then there is the Family Court. Melanie commences proceedings to go after Fozzy’s fortune, a piece of Sydney real estate.

Will Fozzy walk away with his dignity and financial affairs in tact or will Melanie get the better of him? You will have to wait for the book to join Fozzy on his journey of self discovery. 

Waves crashing onto the beach near London Bridge Portsea, Mornington Peninsula. 

As I leave you don't forget you can buy Briefs a collection of short stories on Amazon as an ebook or a paperback. 

If you follow the links below they will lead you there. 


And look out for Just and Equitable by Tanya Thistleton

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Have you got the latest J K Rowling novel

I was tempted to simply post saying I am too busy reading the latest J K Rowling novel, but that would be a lie. And I am not a good liar.

Please do not think I am here to criticise and say I am not reading it because I don't believe she can write an adult novel or any such thing. The truth is I simply do not have the time at the moment to read many books and with my bookshelves full I have not bought a book in at least two weeks (a record for me I have to confess).

I love books and if I go into a bookshop, inevitably I come out with at least one if not more books.

So, have you got your copy of J K Rowling's new book Casual Vacancy and thus you are too busy reading up on what is happening in the little world of fictionscriptor? Probably. I hope you enjoy it. Far too many people are quick to criticise and for a writer that is terrible.

Surfing the net (I just love that expression) I have seen several articles and reviews already. They seem to be mixed. What all of them seem to be reminding us is that it is not a children's book. Surly this is not a surprise. Ever since word has got out about J K Rowling writing another novel it has been emphasised that it would not be a children book. Perhaps people did not believe this statement.

As I keep repeating, like a broken record, it is very hard work to write and get a book published. Just because one person does not like it does not mean someone else might not love it (did that make sense). The point is I hope her book does well.

To all of you out there trying to be a writer keep going. You will get there. We all remember the stories about J K Rowling's numerous letters of rejection for the Harry Potter books, and look where she is now.

Enjoy the book and happy writing.

A storm over Mornington on the Mornington Peninsula

Please do not forget to get your copy of Briefs - a collection of short stories (by Tanya Thistleton), either as an ebook

or as a paper back by ordering your copy at Amazon (best to search by author name) or at

Create Space by following the link (or copying and pasting it into your browser):

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


As there is very little time in my day for reading I try and make the most of my time when driving. Today I was listening to a pod cast called a creative writing masterclass. The particular topic I was listening to was achievement. On this topic several well known authors spoke. 

One of the authors discussed persistence. According to him persistence is what ultimately leads to greatness (whatever that may be). 

I have to say that I agree that persistence pays off. Having dabbled in sport science for a while I know that it is not so much talent that makes people better than others, but persistence (or what others call hard work). I think persistence and hard work go hand in hand. They mean you keep going no matter what. 

Browsing the Internet I found a quote by Seth Godin (author) from his book Small is the new Big on hard work which I though was brilliant:

Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the things you would rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, tunnel under that barrier, drive through the other barrier and after you’ve done that, to do it again the next day.

I am sure it is someone famous and or important who said talent will only get you so far, it is hard work that will get you all the way. Whatever it is you want to achieve in life you cannot rely on talent alone. All worth while things require work, maybe even hard work. What will set you apart from everyone else is your persistence at hard work. 

At least I try and remind myself of these little bits of wisdom as I write and come up with ways to market my book of short stories called Briefs.

It is hard work to get the best spot on the pier for sun baking :)

Don't forget you can buy your copy of Briefs at either of the following sites:

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Life's blessings

It is so easy to ungrateful and negative and not count ones blessing. As I am sitting at work to deal with various problems a legal practise throws at you I cannot help but look out the window and see the beautiful sunshine and be grateful for what I do have.

More often than not life is full of complaints. We complain about the weather, either it is too hot, cold, wet, windy or something else. When we are not complaining about the weather we are probably complaining about our health, job , lack of money, our husband/wife, children,  you name it the list is endless.

In my job as a lawyer I only ever hear complaints. Being a lawyer practising in family law I hear complaints about the ex husband/wife, or partner, the other lawyer, myself, the legal system and again everything else you can think of.

Why is it that we rarely stop and pause to be thankful for what we do have? I don't know. But my post today will be a thank you for what I do have.

I have a great family (excellent parents), I have a fantastic husband and son and with my husband comes a great extended family. How lucky am I.

Then there is the fact I have a job, and not just any job but a job that has motivated me to write my book on short stories called 'Briefs' and given me the motivation to write a novel which is to be released soon 'Just and Equitable', to name but a few things it has motivated me to do.

I have good health and supportive people all around me.

Life is good.

Give thanks to Life.


And don't forget you can buy Briefs - a collection of short stories at either of the following locations:

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Briefs A collection of short stories

Don't forget to buy your copy either electronically or as a paperwork by following one of the links:

As I am thinking up various creative ways of marketing the book Briefs, I thought perhaps I should give readers a bit of background on what motivated the collection of short stories. 

Writing and getting published is not easy. It is a difficult job. Not only is there the constant pressure of coming up with creative and unusual stories, but there is the constant nagging doubt of will anyone ever read my work. 

Over the last two or three years I have entered writing competitions (occasionally) and sent stories away to magazines. I have had success in short story competitions run by Smink Works (two of my stories have received a highly commended in those competitions with one already published and another one waiting to be published). Of course receiving such an award (I think that is what you would call it), goes some way to being reassured that one is able to put a story together. 

Then I sent a story to the Quadrant Magazine titled 'Skinned', which was accepted and published earlier this year. Another bit of motivation. 

But then there is still doubt. Will other stories be read? Have I peaked? Was I able to only ever write three stories? There are so may talented people why would anyone read my stories? And on and on the doubt goes. 

Anyway, biting the bullet I put all my short stories together and came up with 'Briefs a collection of short stories.' Practising in family law (with some criminal experience as well as commercial experience) the majority of stories are based on relationship break down. 

Rest assured dear reader, none of the stories are based on actual cases or files of mine. What tends to happen is somewhere someone says something and that one sentence or incident inspires a short story. Being a family law lawyer you see people at their most vulnerable. I can assure all of you , that my clients, just like the characters in the stories survive separation in all its ugliness, even if it does take time. 

If your are going through separation you might get a laugh or two out of some of the stories. 

Then there is a story about a dragon, or dragons I should say. This does not relate in any way to the law or practise of law. I just like dragons and would love to write an entire novel featuring dragons. Hopefully the dragon novel is not too far off.  

There is not much else to say about them other than I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

I apologise in advance if none of the stories appeal to you. 

 Here is the prince disguised as a frog. 

Soon to be released novel

Don't forget Briefs – a collection of short stories is available as an ebook by clicking on the following link (or copying and pasting it into your browser):

Alternatively you can order your hard copy at amazon (best to search by author name) or at

Create Space by following the link (or copying and pasting it into your browser):

Here is the opening paragraph of my next novel "Just and Equitable"

Chapter 1

The Affair

Be what you would seem to be - or, if you'd like it put more simply - never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.  ~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

14 February 2011
With a shout of ‘oh my god’, ‘how could you’, followed by ‘you fucking bitch’, ‘slut’, and ‘if I see that prick here again,’ and then running across the hallway, down the stairs his feet, usually light and nimble, now clumsy and struggling to get traction on the polished marble, more like a fish out of water then someone trying to run, arms flailing, leaving behind a trail of destruction as expensive china, vases and little ornaments met their end, a combination of anger and being out of control, Melvin fled the scene.

As his large right hand grabbed the front door handle and turned it with such force he ripped the brass knob clean off, but not before opening the ornate door far enough to get through and listen to the clang, clang, clang, of the knob as it rolled through the hallway, having been carelessly thrown over his shoulder as he took off and left chaos and destruction behind him. As he ran past the garage, his feet having regained some control, his arms having stopped waving, and his body more under control than a few minute earlier, he slowed down, his thoughts racing a million miles an hour horrified at the scene just witnessed.

What had just happened? Had that really been…., no he could not bare to relive the image. How could she, that bitch? His wife, his Melanie with Fred… and…and… in his bed and…? It beggared believe. And…and….and? What was he to make of it all? What should he do?

To be continued..........
Do you want to read more? 

Release date - SOON :) 

Great Sundays

Just to remind you all my book Briefs – a collection of short stories is available as an ebook by clicking on the following link (or copying and pasting it into your browser):

Alternatively you can order your hard copy at amazon (best to search by author name) or at

Create Space by following the link (or copying and pasting it into your browser):


For several years now I have insisted that Sundays are a day off. Of course sometimes this can be difficult, particularly if you run a Bed and Breakfast (which we do as well as write).

Today was a Sunday where work had to be done. Before we could have a day off, we had to serve breakfasts and make up a room or two.

But once those jobs were out of the way off we went to the snow. For those of you paying attention you might wonder at this statement. And yes, whilst we are heading into spring, there is still snow to be found in the mountains. Admittedly it was not as much snow as there was two weeks ago, but there was enough there for toboggans to go down. Boy, did we have fun. There was much laughing, yelling and shouting as we raced each other down the slope through potholes, water ditches and rocks.

There is nothing better than having a great day out with your family. Perhaps it is not considered productive in some people's eyes, but I am here to tell you I feel rejuvenated and ready to write.

What do you do on weekends? Do you have a day where you leave all the little jobs to go and do something? I think you should. I firmly believe that everyone should have a day off.

I will leave you with another picture from the Amazing Maze on the Mornington Peninsula.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Erotic Fiction

Don't forget to check out my book 'Briefs - a collection of short stories'

You can find it electronically at:

Or in paperback at:

Or at amazon by searching author name (Tanya Thistleton)

Now back to the racy

About twelve months I read an article on the alleged damage romance novels (those published by the big publishers like Harlequin) were doing to every day lives of women. Whilst I cannot remember specifics I recall the article suggested that the type of romance offered by the big publisher was nothing more than glorified pornography and led women into false sense of what a relationship was going to be like.

At the time I wondered if this was really true, or what other type of information might lead to unrealistic expectations of a relationship. Or was it someone writing this because they had not been able to get their manuscript accepted with someone like Harlequin?

Now, a year later, a book called Fifty Shades of grey is breaking all records in the publishing industry. It is a book that has not been published by the big publisher and yet it has taken the work by storm.

I have not read the book (I swear), but have been told by others that the best way to describe it is 'mummmy porn'. I have also scanned an interview with the author where she defends her writing and describes it different to pornography.

I don't want to criticise the book Fifty Shades of Grey or any of the other romance genres. I guess I am thinking out loud if the negativity about the books is based in jealousy. With so much doom and gloom in the news, terrible statistics on relationship breakdowns, one wonders what is wrong with writing about romance (even if it describes sex in detail)? Are those that criticise jealous because they cannot or did not write it? Maybe.

According to figures, the romance genre generates billions of dollars every year. Doe this mean there are millions of people miserable because they are reading romance? I doubt it. As someone once said, you know what you get when you buy a romance book, it always has a happy ending.

At the end of the day a work of fiction is about escaping every day life. If there are people who get pleasure out of escaping their life with a romance novel, good on them. It might be a better way of dealing with life then taking drugs or consuming too much alcohol.

I take my hat off to all those romance writers. It is not easy and yet many people write them and a lot more people read them. Who are we to criticise what people should or should not read

Contemplating the type of book to read next :)


Blah, blah, blah

We listen to this song about what happens on the bus. One of the lines is the people on the bus make 'blah, blah blah,', which always makes us laugh. Tonight as I try and write another post I feel like the people on the bus. I have had four attempts at putting something together, only to delete it after staring at it.

At first I was going to talk about views people get from their homes, then I was going to write about the reason for writing short stories before I thought I might write about the process of publishing itself. None of what I had written seemed to inspire me. Thus, I started this post with blah, blah, blah.

Unfortunately I am no closer to coming up with a suitable topic, than I was half an hour ago.

Perhaps it has been a long week and I am all written out (if there is such a thing). Or I have run out of things to say (people that know me would disagree with this I am sure).

As I rummaged through photos to paste into the posts I came across this one taken during summer in Bavaria two years ago. Isn't it amazing that there was snow in summer.

In one of my previous posts I talked about the arrival of spring, which of course has been fantastic after a long cold winter. Today I saw three of our tulips opening up to welcome spring. The days are getting warmer and longer and soon we will all complain about the heat.

As I leave you with a most unsatisfactory post I hope you enjoy the mountains.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Staying Creative

As I wait with baited breath to sell a book, I am also trying to stay creative, which can be difficult. Demands are made on my time that take me away from writing, however, as a famous Australian bush ranger said 'such is life'.

What do you do to try and stay creative?

One source of inspiration for me is going for a run. Often I am able to move scenes along or come up with a new story altogether. My story titled 'Memory Jogged' was thought of during a run on a hot day along the Murray River after a storm.

A lot of story ideas came my way during our recent holiday to Sorrento. Walking on the beach, strolling through mazes and exploring rolling hills with vineyard all helped with being creative.

Then of course there is Europe. What a place of inspiration. Ideally I would like to spend a few months every year somewhere in Europe, preferably Bavaria, writing another award winning novel. Bavaria, like a lot of places, has some magnificent scenery with fantastic mountains, beautiful lakes and green pasture. At a place called Hechtsee I dreamt of writing a book about a dragon called Scriberamus. The backdrop to this lake are stark mountains, with hardly anything green on it, mountains the dragon has to cross over. It is one of many stories yet waiting to be written. Hopefully I will finish one day.

The castles in Bavaria are another story. I know all of you will instantly know the fairy tale one, Schloss Neuschwanstein - it would be a place full of stories and inspiration I bet. And isn't it in the most  amazing location? It certainly is a place where I writing workshop should be held I think, don't you?

Well I guess I better get back to being creative. It is evening and I should be able to get at least an hour of writing before the day will end.

How about floating on the Chiemsee, heading to Schloss Herrenchiemsee for lunch and an afternoon of writing? :)

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Thank you

As I am busy trying to come up with creative ways of marketing my book 'Briefs' and dreaming up launch dates and venues I thought it appropriate to write a thank you to those who have always supported me.

My husband in particular has received a bit of mention and he has been fantastic in his support, enthusiasm and dedication to help me get published (he had to read the book at least twice to help with editing). My son of course is just an inspiration full stop.

However,  so far I have not really thanked my family, my brother and most importantly my parents. We are small but we all have big hearts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We have been lucky in that we were brought up in a very supportive environment. My parents were always there and supported any crazy idea we had and pursued. I cannot recall my parents ever saying we should not do something, supporting us all the way.

I have many a happy child hood memory of travelling, laughing and hanging out together. Apparently story telling was already my forte back then. I am told I once had my family on the edge of their seat about a man in the shower. Perhaps I should revisit this story. I know I have been very lucky to have been brought up in a nurturing loving home with supportive parents. Practicing in Family Law (in my spare time and until the book sells), I read many a report on children growing up in less than ideal homes. It is a privilege to have parents like I have.

Again thank you mum and dad.

I cannot say thank you enough.

Mum, dad, I love you and thank you.

This rose is for you.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Today I am having one of those days where I have simply not spent enough time writing on my next projects or done any marketing of the book. I am not sure why that is, some days just seem to go by with very little being produced. Or so it seems to me.

As I am struggling to write the chapters of my next book, a romance, I cannot help but wonder if it is worthwhile. What if no one ever buys my just published book 'Briefs'? Chances are no one will buy any other book I write and publish too? Or is that not the correct way to look at things?

Of course on the up side plenty of people might buy the book 'Briefs' and love it and look for more books of mine. That is the problem then isn't it, the uncertainty of success. Is it really any different in any other job? Maybe. Some jobs probably are more predictable. Often though people embark on things without knowing the outcome. Take opening a shop for example, no one really knows if customers will come in or not. Of course there are ways one can increase the chance of customers coming in by selling things people want, like shoes, or clothes or food.

I guess it is not different in the writing world.

At the end of the day that is what life is about. You simply go and do it.

As I sign off for the night to devise marketing strategies and maybe write some more I will leave you to look at beach shacks on the Mornington Peninsula. I bet you when the first one was built there, people were saying what are you doing that for? It will never take off. Now these things sell for a bit of money.

Go and follow that dream - you know you want to :)

Monday, 17 September 2012

The ebook is here

Yes, ladies and gentleman I have finally done it. You can buy the book Briefs as an ebook. How very exciting.

Just click this link to get your very own copy.

Daffodils, Tulips and Roses

As I said yesterday, it is the start of spring here in North East Victoria, Australia and our daffodils have been fantastic. They are huge and yellow and for some reason full of little spiders (which we only noticed at the dinner table).

And then yesterday I saw our first tulip come out for a peak. It will be a lovely pink one. Tulips of course are what made Holland famous, or Holland made the Tulip famous?

Next it will be the roses, my favourite flowers.

This time of the year brings such beauty and inspiration with it. In fact I have been so inspired that I finally managed to finish formatting my book of short stories "Briefs" into an ebook format. After I had nearly given up hope, I did it. The publish button has been clicked and I am told it should be available in the next twenty four hours.

There are some fantastic resources on the great wide web which helped me solve most of my problems. Thank you to all those who have gone before and decided to share with the rest of us.

We are so lucky to have this wealth of information at our fingertips. Whatever we do not know anything about we can simply look it up on a search engine, or google it as people say.

For all those budding authors who are not sure if this self publishing is really worth it, I say go for it. It has taken me over two months to edit, re-edit and re-edit again to finally see my book in print, but it has been so worth it. Not to mention the countless hours of learning a whole new formatting technique for the ebook. Again, well worth it. Of course I realise I may never sell one of my books, but I am hopeful. After all the Quadrant Magazine published one of my stories and others have won awards at writing competitions. And if not I have leaned some great skills over the last few months and know that the next book will not nearly take as long to publish (in both formats).

Onwards and upwards to the next book.

As I leave you tonight I hope you enjoy our tulips.

Sunday, 16 September 2012


For those living in a different part of the world this will sound strange, but for us in Australia spring is finally here.

What a wonderful time of the year. Blossoms are out everywhere, the days are getting longer and most importantly it is getting warmer.

And of course with spring love is in the air, with mating season upon us. Our ducks on the pond are certainly doing their bit to confirm spring is here. Won't be long before we will have little ducklings to admire.

As I watch the world shake off winter I am devising strategies to market my book 'Briefs - A collection of short stories'. My husband helpfully pointed out I should write about sex as it sells (I have to admit Briefs has very little sex in it). Is that really true?

Do people want to read about sex in all its detail or do they want to imagine some bits? I think I still prefer the older movies where the man kisses the woman and then the door shuts, leaving what happens behind closed doors to the imagination of the audience. What about you?

At the moment a book called 'Fifty Shades of Grey' is taking the world by storm and it is full of sex (apparently - I have to admit I have not read it). According to an interview given by the author there is a difference between writing about sex and pornography. Again I wonder if this is true or merely a way of dressing up what has been written about. And please don't think I am criticising. As I said in another post there are books that are written well and sell well, and I am sure this book falls into this category. But as to the question of sex written in an artistic way, does it really matter how you describe it or dress it up? I don't think so, particularly if there are people who want to read it.

So, as difficult as this topic is how about this for a teaser:

Second Thoughts

As she opens the door to their little apartment she hopes he is not home. In case he is she has her story ready and plays the conversation in her mind.
"You're home early darling. You ok?" Stuart asked, briefly looking up from behind the oversized computer screen, where he no doubt has spent most of his day. 
"Everything's fine," she would reassure him quickly, heading into the bathroom so as to avoid kissing him. Right now she felt like the little child that has just been touched by their sporting hero and does not wish to wash or disturb the special place ever again. "I have to work late tomorrow so I got an early mark today." The lie comes so easily it is frightening. 
"Mmm," Stuart mumbles but his attention is back with the computer. 
Iris knows he is working on another book, a project that will command his full attention for at least the next two or three months. 
In the bathroom Iris stands in front of the mirror, slowly undressing, replaying the afternoon events, revelling in the afterglow of great sex and the lie she had just told her husband. 
Once she is naked she stares at her image. Not bad for early forties, with her C sized breast still as firm as ever and not an ounce of fat on her tummy, hips or thighs. Running for an hour everyday as well as some of those gym classes have paid off. Not that Stuart ever noticed. In fact she could not recall the last time they had passionate sex. Had it been two or three months ago he had made a feeble attempt at playing with her nipples before simply entering her and thrusting a few times, only to roll off her and go to sleep? 
Paulo on the other hand had been very different. There had been gentleness in his touch, as well as a bit of roughness and domination, all things she had enjoyed, no longed for. Closing her eyes she ran her hands over her breasts, imagining Paulo in the bathroom with her. 

"You ok?"
Stuarts voice reached her from a long way away. 
"Fine." she called back and quickly turned on the shower. 

Imagine what will happen when you kiss the frog? Could it turn into a prince?

And to remind you again if you want to buy a copy of the book 'Briefs' it is available on Amazon. Just follow this link by copying it into your browser (or simply search the author Tanya Thistleton):

Soon to be released electronically.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Good Books

With time a precious resource these days (husband and child and writing demanding my time as well as work, horses and day to day chores), I get little time to read. One of the ways I get my daily reading fix is by listening to talking books. What a great invention ladies and gentleman, talking books.

I have listened to great works of fiction as well as non fiction.

What do you think makes one book better than another?

I have bought books because I have heard the author interviewed and other people review it, only to be disappointed. And yet other authors, popular or not, I cannot get enough of.

My husband likes to tell the story of an interview he heard where the author said there are four kinds of books. There are those books that are written well and sell well, then there are books that are written well and do not sell well, as well as those books who are not written well and sell well and lastly books that are not written well and do not sell well.

I think a well written book is one that you do not want to end.

I just finished listening to John Grisham's Calico Joe (apologies for mis-spelling). He is such a great author. What a story teller. After listening to the book I am ready to go and watch a baseball match. Living in Australia and being originally from Germany I have little knowledge of baseball and seen even less. But the story was so well told I am ready to go and watch a match.

There are many more authors that inspire me and that I love to read, McCall Smith for example as well as Jeffrey Archer and Matthew Riley, and of course my husband. I take my hat of to all story tellers. It is a great skill to transport people to another world.

As I leave you today I am off to edit my romance novel and see if I can work out how to publish electronically without page numbers. Every day there is a new challenge.

Enjoy the weekend.

A dragon in the centre of this maze provides plenty of inspiration as one meanders along the path in Amazing Mazes at Arthurs Seat on the Mornington Peninsula.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Electronic Publishing

When the idea first crossed my mind to self publish it was to self publish as an electronic book. It sounded and looked easy. Days, weeks, months later I am no closer to publishing electronically than when I first had the idea.

What is stopping me?

I am not sure. It sounds, looks and seems too hard. Alternatively I am simply not able to get my head around the demands of electronic publishing.

It took numerous edits, and re-edits to get the book 'Brief's published in hard copy, with me often losing faith it would ever happen. But here I am a published author.

Finally this afternoon I bit the bullet and wrote to the team at Create Space to help me convert my hard copy book format into an electronic one. Hopefully someone will contact me and it will all fall into place. Alternatively I will still be trying to do it this time next month.

My husband pointed out how helpful this publishing process had been to me because I learned a new skill. I think he is trying to flatter me because he needs his book formatted ready for publishing. Although part of me is quite proud when I look at the hard copy book of 'Briefs', because it does look good and it has great stories in it.

As I wait for someone to contact me about the electronic publishing I will take to work on my next projects. For some reason I have three manuscripts waiting to be edited and published.

So, as the gnomes on Snow White say, hi ho, hi ho, off to work I go....:)

What a work of art. A hedge sculpture at the Amazing Maze at Arthur's seat. Obviously someone with more patience than I have :)

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Short Stories

As I have just published a collection of short stories (Briefs), I am on to my next writing project, of which there are several. And as I edit a romance novel I am debating about writing more short stories, and of course wondering if people still read short stories. I hear you say perhaps I should have thought of this before publishing my book on short stories. Perhaps, but then I enjoyed writing them and that is why I did it.

However, to see if short stories are still relevant I turned my research to magazines at the newsagent. I was heartened to see that there are some magazines dedicated to the short story and numerous others publishing one or two short stories per edition.

I think short stories are great for a little escape if ones times is in demand. Nothing like being able to pick up a short story and get taken away for ten fifteen minutes to then return to the here and now to continue with what life demands of us.

Don't get me wrong, novels are fantastic (I am writing two at the moment), but to read a novel you always need a bit of time. At least I do. When I read my novel I would like to sit down and read for at least an hour or longer.

I hope I am not alone in this.

As I leave you this morning to finish all my chores before I can write some more (and battle more formatting issues for an electronic version of Briefs), I will leave you with another shot or rolling hills and vineyards of the beautiful Mornington Peninsula.

Nothing beats reading a great short story with a glass of wine (wine was something which inspired my short story 'Skinned', published by the Quadrant earlier this year).

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Yeah!!! I made it. I finally published my first book. I have had articles published in magazines like Australia Bark, Dog's Life and Hoofbeats. There have been awards in short story competitions and publications in anthologies, followed by a short story being published in the esteemed magazine The Quadrant (Skinned). But now I have actually managed to get a book published. And it feels good.

Here is how it appears on the internet.

I believe it will be available on Amazon soon too, and of course I am going to publish it electronically. For all of you out there not sure if you should take the plunge and follow your dream, do it. Who knows where this will lead me, but I am giving it a go and I certainly enjoy telling the stories.

Briefs: A collection of short stories
Authored by Tanya Thistleton

List Price: $10.00
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) 
Black & White on Cream paper
192 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1479102952 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1479102954
BISAC: Fiction / Short Stories 
How many ways are there to leave a lover? The answer is surely far, far fewer than there are ways to recover.
Like most lovers left, Tanya Thistleton's characters refuse the victims cloak, accept the travails of change and in the end find salvation. Some, just some, even sup on cold revenge.
There are other vignette pieces here too, of the lawyer and virginity and , of course, a dragon.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Wholly CRAP

As I have finished another round of editing (definitely the last one I hope with publication just around the corner, I can feel it in my bones), I thought I would share with you read the opening paragraphs of one of the short stories waiting to be published in this book 'Briefs - A collection of short stories'.

It is about dragons and politics. I hope you enjoy it.

Wholly CRAP

“Order! Order!”
Sir Weary, Knight Commander of the Blue Order of Dragons, Ruler of the Seas Beyond and Four Star Accredited Superior Maddened Broom Witch Handler, called hoarsely into the public address.  For good measure he pressed firmly on the button that generated a feeling of a force 9 (devastating) earthquake, accompanied by the flash of a supernova. But his voice carried over the hubbub, which brooked slightly at his entreaty, but then rose to hum and buzz, with the occasional burst of flame and laughter. It was no use. Sir Weary drummed his left claw pondering his next move.  
The first quantum knots of dragons were in the lobby, some lounged over seats in the hall and others loped over the ever revolving staircases ensuring no one stayed in the same spot fore very long, being a most amusing feature of this venue. A source of excited discussion centred on the odds for the next parallel universe sliding competition. Typical. They were all free loaders. None of them had a decent thought in their large bulging bodies. This Fellowship met more than any other fellowship of dragons (every sixteen thousand light years, measured in standard fifty sixth universe terms) and always had wealthy sponsors. The Fellowship specialized in the process of converting Charientism, Refluxive Advertising and Political Spin (aka CRAP) into the concentrated high energy food dragons ate before an inter universe flight. The rich and famous were always willing to back them.
This was the 23rd Symposium of the Fellows for the Saving of the Human Race, entitled Definitely the Last Try (We Promise) and was sponsored by Dewey Feedem Lies & Stats Inc., the prosperous firm of political spin eaters. They had gone to the outrageous step of paying the travelling expenses of everyone from universe sixty-three through seventy-two. This was an unrivalled budget, thirteen Big Bangs. Unfortunately the budget was not big enough to have a human representative. Such a shame, it may have been useful to have one of those pathetic creatures in attendance. Who better to come up with suggestions for saving humans than a human himself? 

Making Time

Do you find that you get to the end of the day with half the things you had planned to do not done?

I do.

Once upon a time I used to complain all the time that I had no time for writing, exercise and lots of other things. And then I paused to reflect, after reading a book on writing, what it was I was not doing. In that book the author said it is simply a habit you have to practise everyday (writing that is or anything else you do not think you have time for, like reading etc.) until it is so ingrained you will naturally do it.

The exercise suggested by the author was to write five minutes every day for a month. Apparently once you do something everyday for a month it becomes part of your daily routine. At the end of the month the author suggested to increase to ten minutes for another month and so on, until one day you were writing for one or two hours.

It sounds too difficult? I can hear you come up with a hundred excuses already. Trust me it is not. There are many things we do during the day that simply waste time and if we stopped doing them we could/would be more productive.

This does not only apply to writing, you can apply it to anything you want to do but don't think you have time for (except perhaps parachuting because you need a bit more than five minutes everyday).

Take physical exercise. How many times have you heard someone say I cannot exercise because I do not have time. In reality it is simply a matter of being more organised and setting realistic goals. Don't aim to do an hour session everyday. Start with five minutes everyday and increase. Do things you enjoy doing (like walking, cycling or swimming). Exercise with someone else. Nothing better than going for a walk/run with family or friends to share the experience.

So, decide what it is you want more time for and start today. All you need is five minutes during the day to get started.

What are you waiting for?

Start building today! :)

Monday, 10 September 2012

Making dreams come true

As I am still working on being to write the magic lines - My book 'Briefs - A collection of short stories' is available for purchase on Amazon, I wanted to share my thoughts on making dreams come true with you (yes I am onto a further edit of the book as suggested by my ever so wise husband).

What is different about people who seem to have been able to realise their dreams to those that have not? Not much, is my guess, except perhaps for determination and vision.

I think to make your dreams come true you need the following:
  1.  Know what your dream is. What exactly to you want to do/achieve? Many people never follow their dream because they simply do not really know or understand themselves what it is. There is a difference between knowing exactly what you want to be or achieve and a general state of dissatisfaction of ones life.
  2. Find out all the information you can about your dream. What do you need to do to achieve it? Remember small steps lead to great things.
  3. Ask for help. There is nothing wrong with asking other people for help.
  4. Set time aside each day where you make time to work on your dream. Often people do not achieve their dreams because they simply do not work at it.
  5. Don't listen to critics. There will be many people who will point out all the reasons to you why you will not achieve your dream. How many times have I heard that writing does not make any money. At the end of the day you have to do what you enjoy doing (I appreciate you need to eat as well), but listening to critics is a sure way of not achieving your dreams.
  6. Set yourself realistic goals. You must be familiar with the saying you cannot run before you can walk. It applies to most things in life. And, Rome of course was not built in a day either.
  7. And once you have achieved your dream make sure you have another.

So what are you waiting for? Dare to dream. Get out there and do it, whatever it is you want to do.
Dare to be different :)

Sunday, 9 September 2012

To further edit or not?

As you would know by now I am about to publish a book called 'Briefs - a collection of short stories'. I have edited the book at least ten times if not more.

This afternoon I received an email to say the book is ready to be published or edited, again.

I have asked my beloved husband if I should simply publish it or review it one last time to which he replied, 'you can never over edit.'

Is that really true?

I have looked at the stories so many times now I nearly know them off by heart. Part of me suspects that during a further edit I might create more mistakes than I will fix. What shall I do?

In all honesty I don't know. Part of me wants to simply press the button that says please publish the book. The other, the one afraid of what will happen next, tells me to edit again.

Does that mean I am afraid of failure? Maybe.

Why do I say that? Because publishing a book means you are opening yourself up to criticism from other people, people like you. This of course is not necessarily bad. According to research (an exact source fails me) constructive criticism is healthy. What is constructive criticism I hear you ask. It goes something like this; "Tanya, good to see you published a book, I am afraid though some of your stories need work, but good on you for trying." Or something along those lines. You get the drift I am sure.

Alternatively I may have what actors call stage fright. Should I get my husband to complete the process?

I don't think I will have the answer tonight. If you dear reader have any comments or suggestions they are greatly appreciated.

Until I work out what to do I thought I should offer a further teaser from the book.

Counsel’s Objection
 “Your Honour if I may submit….” Sarah started trying to inject confidence into her voice, which seemed to be fading rapidly.  
“Ms Hemming, please, you are not going to persist with those submissions are you? I mean really.” The eyes rolled upwards as the words dripped from the Magistrate’s thin mouth.
Sarah tried to ignore the sneer from the ravenously handsome solicitor opposing her. Ever since he had stepped into Court her body and mind had gone on a frolic. I’m a career woman, she repeated like a mantra, trying her hardest to remain focused.     

Perhaps I should simply publish and see what happens. 

Bis zum naechsten mal - Tschuess

The power of nature as well