I try.
My husband one year bought me a poetry book for my birthday, which contains a poem for every day of the week for the year and we try and read the daily poem, which more often then not I cannot understand. However, since reading more poetry and reading about poetry I have discovered Robert Frost, an amazing poet. I love the poem containing the line of the heading of today's post - 'the road less travelled'. Aren't poets brilliant the way they can use so few words to say so much? I have so much to learn (I wonder what the symbol for a sigh is?).
Have you ever taken the road less travelled or do you always follow the trend and everyone else? I have to say that it can be difficult to take the road less travelled, particularly as it is a more uncertain one.
At the moment we face some decisions about our future and I feel like I am deciding which road to take, the one expected and well travelled or the one less travelled?
Deep down I think the decision is made, but it helps to think it through, even if it is in words.
Writing is what I want to do,
stories are what I want to tell,
adventures are what I want to have,
my family is whom I want by my side.
Does it matter which road I take?
I guess not.
Though the road less travelled might be the more exciting one.
I know it does not qualify as a poem but it sets out how I feel.
Often we lose sight of what it is we want to do as we get wrapped in what is expected of us or what other people want us to do. That is the surest way I know not to pursue your dream.
As I write this I am thinking of the novel I am writing and other projects I am planning. There is so much to do. Of course the doubts of will I ever sell a book and will anyone ever read my stories are always there, threatening to push me on to the road well travelled, but right now I am determined to make it.
So please go and look at my book Briefs - a collection of short stories as an ebook or a paperback and look out for my next book, a novel called 'Just and Equitable'.
You can find Briefs at the following links:
or as an ebook at:
This definitely looks like the road less travelled don't you think?