Sunday, 7 October 2012

The benefit of walking

It was my husband's birthday a few days ago and one of his presents was a book titled 'The lost art of walking' (I do not have the book in front of me but think this is the title). And what motivated me to buy the book was simply the fact that it was about walking.

Of course the title struck a chord with me as I thought it odd to talk about the lost art of walking when we walk everyday of our lives. I know we probably walk a lot less than we used to, but fact of the matter is, we still walk. We get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, we walk to the kitchen and we probably walk to the car and or train/bus station (just to name a few things we walk to).

I have to admit I have not read the book yet, so have no idea why the title of the book is what it is. So I will keep you posted on this.

Another thing though I realised today was how beneficial walking is not only from the point of view of health, but from the point of view how much more you see when exploring a town on foot as opposed to by car.

Every Sunday we go on an outing. That means we pack our picnic gear, esky and picnic chair and find somewhere to drive. Usually we end up in a country town. There we will pull up and explore. We have found some fantastic towns that way. Today we drove to Euroa, a small country town in North East Victoria (Australia), which is still full of old historic buildings left over from the gold rush and a railway. Instead of driving through the town we took our scooters (those little razor ones) and walk/scooted through the town. And we saw so much more than if we had simply driven through the wide streets.

There were houses to gawk at, gardens to admire and old buildings to read about. Our little son loved it (pretty cheap outing) and as an extra bonus we got some exercise as well.

Next time you are at a loss for something to do why don't you explore your own area, or somewhere where you have not been, on foot. I bet you will find inspiration among your exploration.

I certainly came home with ideas for stories, description of houses and a post for today. And that is not all, but more on that next time.

Till tomorrow, don't forget to check out my book on short stories "Briefs" either as an electronic book or as a paperback by clicking on one of the following links or searching on Amazon under author name (Tanya Thistleton).

Have you ever noticed how birds run when they are in danger (like about to be run over by a car) instead of flying?

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