Monday, 1 October 2012

Being able to read

With information at our fingertips I think we often forget those in our society who cannot read at all, or not very well and thus find no escape or comfort in the written word.

Today a new book arrived at our house for our little fellow to learn how to read. Bringing him up to speak German and English meant this book was from Germany to teach him how to read in German. And to my surprise the book teaches children by picture word method. So all the stories are short sentences and the main words (nouns) are pictures, which means children can read with you.

As the book cover states children are keen to learn how to read and it takes time and practice. This is a way for children to practice with success. And tonight our little boy was pretty excited at being able to read a book with his mum.

This led me to realise how lucky we are to be able to read and pass that skill on to others, particularly you dear reader who will be able to buy my book as either an electronic book or paper back (you can find the link at previous posts). Yes, I never miss an opportunity to remind you that I have written a great book of short stories for your reading pleasure :)

It is difficult to comprehend that we still have people in our society who cannot read or writer. I represented someone in a legal case a few years ago and it took me a while to understand that my client could neither read nor writer. Now whilst he had done ok for himself I am sure he could have gone a lot further if he had possessed the vital skill of the word (I am in a poetic mood and like the sound of the word).

So count your blessings that you can read and if you know someone who can't you might find a way for them to learn. Live and learn I say.

The power of words are everywhere.

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