Monday, 8 October 2012

More editing

No, dear reader, I have not finished my novel Just and Equitable, but I am helping my husband get his book of short stories ready for publication. And again there are editing issues. Issues is a word not much used in our house, but it describes the editing problem pretty well.

Whilst my husband is lucky that I have been through the painful process before him, almost making me an expert at it, he is doing plenty of gnashing of teeth on his own. Currently there are index problems.

I know we are lucky to be able to publish our books without waiting for an editor to decide if they like the work or not, it is not exactly easy. Writing the book now seems but a distant memory. As I listen to my husband's frustrations I am putting the finishing writing touches on my novel and am already dreading the book editing phase (as I call it - perhaps it should be called the formatting phase), which no doubt will take a fair amount of time and be accompanied by swearing.

But in the end there is no great sense of achievement (and a sense that it was all worthwhile) when you dear reader give positive feedback on the books. Every time someone tells me how much they enjoyed the stories in Briefs a collection of short stories I know it was all worthwhile.

And so back to finishing my Just and Equitable Novel and possibly giving more a lending hand to my husband to get his book finalised.

To leave with you another teaser here is the opening paragraph of another story of Briefs. If you have not done so you can find the book on Amazon as a paperback or as an electronic copy.

Wholly CRAP

“Order! Order!”
Sir Weary, Knight Commander of the Blue Order of Dragons, Ruler of the Seas Beyond and Four Star Accredited Superior Maddened Broom Witch Handler, called hoarsely into the public address.  For good measure he pressed firmly on the button that generated a feeling of a force 9 (devastating) earthquake, accompanied by the flash of a supernova. But his voice carried over the hubbub, which brooked slightly at his entreaty, but then rose to hum and buzz, with the occasional burst of flame and laughter. It was no use. Sir Weary drummed his left claw pondering his next move.  

 A dragon

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