Wednesday 29 October 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014

Ready, set, go.

Its is here again.

Are you excited? Nervous? Bursting to get going? Well you only have to wait one more day before you can make that start [would anyone really know if you started a tiny bit earlier?].

Where has the last year gone?

Is it really a year since I participated in the NaNoWriMo last time.

Sadly, whatever I wrote last year has not seen the light of day. But I will not be deterred and try again. What is that saying, try and try again until you succeed?

Have you got your pencil sharpened, or your ink bottle topped up if you write with a fountain pen, or the pens at the ready to give it a go again?

There are plenty of resources and websites to lend a  helping hand. Feel free to comment on what works best for you.

This year what I will try and do I think is write my daily task by hand. For some reason the words tend to flow more freely when writing with the good old fountain pen on paper.

And then the plan is to type up what I have written in the month of December. Perhaps that could be the TypNoMo [type novel month].

Some websites you may find useful are:

and of course

Keeping in theme with our sons current favourite movie [7 Zwerge - a german film]

Hey writers, hey writers, ho, hey writers, hey writers go, go go!